In "Download All from Wiki" added downloading Lua command. First stops all scripts that are specified, then starts all of these, and then restarts itself if necessary. Fixed 'clickoffsetx' and 'clickoffsety' in the 'move' command. The handle returned by the 'findwindow' function in Lua is now a number. Fixed infinite expectation in the command 'ExecAndWait' at unsuccessful startup. Rewrote the command 'findimage'. uopilot v2.32

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Turn on the appropriate menu item. Returned "read-only" to development history. In "Download All from Wiki" added downloading Lua command.

Returns the coordinate offset and the correct handle, or 0. Fixed a bug in function 'minx' and 'maxx' that occurs if the array name uoplot capitalized, but not English letters. Added the ability to run scripts "Lua".

The file is always appended if it already exists. Previously returned an extra empty element. If there is no folder "Help" next to the pilotthe unpacks archive version. Corrected the function to format the script, added the function "remove formatting".

In settings added the ability to disable notification of the loaded DLL. Fixed checking of the last message from the server in the command 'if lastmsg anytext', broken in the previous version.

Added the ability to specify the name of the loaded Lua library in the configuration file. When specifying several keys, spaces between parentheses are required.

Tips with two easy steps to remove UOPILOT V2.32 WK 1.EXE file.

Added special character signifying the end of a line of text and the start of a new line Fixed upilot memory leak. Fixed 'return' in 'for' and 'repeat' from the double 'gosub'.

Added electronic purses in the form "About". Temporarily sets the working directory for the location of the executable file. Fixed a crash when using 'findcolor'.

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In the mouse clicks, the parameter "nooffset" was added, which allows to ignore the offset specified in the variables "clickoffsetxy". Corrected search element upilot the entire array by using the functions 'minx' and 'maxx'.

Added some unnecessary processing functions of real numbers and strings Added the opportunity to expect completion of the running script Uo;ilot the ability to edit suspended script. Returns the script with the specified number to the table, or the current script if the number is not specified.

Now 'findimage' understands the indication of coordinates with using the array elements. Critical for commands such as 'sendex', 'kleft'.

In the settings made the text box to specify a new name for the window, next to the uopjlot "Rename pilot". Added a backups system.

uopilot v2.32

To the formatting added uopilof routines from ": If such a hotkey already assigned to something, the new appointed, but will be disabled before turning off the current. Added to 'findimage' the return of the percentage of the found image in the fifth element of the returned array.

The Lua library is loaded and initialized only when the script is run on Lua.

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I fixed the checkbox "Show remaining time of waiting". Removed the type of variables when inserting commands into the Lua script from the drop-down uooilot.

uopilot v2.32

Fixed forced stopping of the Lua script. Corrected calculations with large numbers.


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