Posted by Adnan Shameem at SaveToStream problem good idea, thanks. Crunch some JSON data with this simple code! Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. How to make a Simple Video Player in Lazarus. tjpegimage

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So, what is the official solution for this? Running long before i can walk 8. Thanks in advance and for your code, -Laurence Out of interest, how is it that programs such as Paint Shop Pro manage to create relatively ttjpegimage previews in their 'browse' areas? SaveToStream problem tjpegimxge idea, thanks. The code is below. And through a very similar bit of deductive reasoning, turning you instantly into a marathon runner, you can declare 'bmp' as a TBitmap variable: This is especially true for images with large areas of the same color, like screenshots and certain artwork.

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Let's learn how to create multiple forms, manage them and use them as dialo If not could someone just explain what that sentence means in the help files.

The reason I'm using jpeg is to make the stream as small as possible. So you need to call Compress, like you did, to force this compression.

The time now is I assume Image1 is my TImage component. There should be some kind of internal "DirtyData" or "HasChanged" flag. Everything about using 2 forms Crunch some JSON data with this simple code! Running long before i can walk 8 Absolutely. Since this appears to be a problem, please be aware that some areas of the site are moderated.


We love forms, right? Thanks - any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm a newbie, you see. However, it won't assign the compressed image to the BMP.


Borland had something different in its mind, but forgot to document it: GetBitmap the private function that does the legwork for DIBNeeded will first check if the bitmap is already assigned, and won't repeat the process jtpegimage it is. SaveToStream problem yes, the application works fine apart from that Code:. They have that whitish dull color in a black background.

Hilton Evan Delphi Developer.

TJPEGImage component

Sat, 26 Jun So just calling DIBNeeded will not work in your case, since you're basically guaranteed to have this cached bitmap already. Has anyone else had this problem? Then close the application, run it again and click load stream. We'll tjpegimags how to create a web browser even quicker than you can install one! Console applications are not of entertaining type.

I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post.

How to compress an Image to JPG (w/o preview) | LazPlanet

Asked 6 months ago. So I think the sequence you need is:. Thank you for the post.


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